by Patrick Wynne ([email protected])
and Carl F. Hostetter ([email protected])
Attolma | i | menelessie, | nai | airitainiéva | esselya. |
Our Father | who | is in heaven, | be it that | will be hallowed | thy name. |
Nai | ardalya | tuluva. |
Be it that | thy kingdom | will come. |
Nai | írelya | tyarniéva | mardesse | ve | menelesse. |
Be it that | thy desire | will be done | on earth | as | in heaven. |
Anta | men | síre | ilyaurea | mastalma. |
Give | (to) us | today | daily | our bread. |
Ar | avanta | men | raikalmar | ve | avantalme | raikatyarolmain. |
And | forgive | (for) us | our wrongs | as | we forgive | (for) our wrong-doers. |
Ar | nai | útukuvalye | me | mailenna |
And | be it that | thou will not lead | us | into overmastering desire |
ná | fainu | me | ulkallo. | Amen. |
but | release | us | from evil. | Amen. |
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